Whew! It's been a while since I posted any projects so I have a few to catch everyone up on. So, first things first; We made shutters :) Board and Batten ones to be exact. We found that it would save hundreds of dollars to make our own and I really like the look of these type of shutters over the vinyl louvered shutters. I think we spent under $100 in pine to make 8 shutters.
We primered the shutters and painted them in Glidden Satin Exterior Premium Paint in Cherries Jubliee. The flower boxes were also primed and painted in the same color, then stuffed with pansies and marigolds :)
I have some seedlings planted with what I hope to be some very colorful cutting flowers. I was getting overly impatient in wanting to start planting flowers back in early April. I made it to May though and the landscaping has begun...hopefully a garden will comence soon as well!

Keeping with Jen getting married in 7 Days! We went on a mini-cruise for her Bacehlorette Party so I made all the ladies gift bags and my pride and joy are the name tags I made for each bag. I need to reproduce these bad boys and sell them :P I used designer paper I bought at Ollies, crinkle sissors from Aaron's mom, and hot glued little sandle buttons on them.
That concludes my spring shower updates but stay tuned I should have lots more to post about now that it's sunny and warm again! Besos
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